Thursday, May 10, 2007

PSA: just for the girls

This is totally random information, but its my blog and I can do what I want.

* Jake has already mocked me about it, that is why there is a disclaimer*

So, I was wandering around the store the other day and I saw
Veet, the hair removal stuff, there was a big green bottle of it, that was made for dry or sensitive skin, its the one that has the "razor" thing, its like a spatula really. So I decided I would try it, I hate shaving my legs, it always makes them really dry and itchy.

It works, its awesome!!! It took 3 minutes, it was super easy, and worked great!!! It itched for like the last 30 seconds but the spatula thing worked great, not only to remove the hair but also to get the itch, without scratching the skin really.

My legs usually get the bumps after shaving, but not this time!! And they are smoother than any shave job could have ever done. I was worried about being sensitive to it or having a reaction, because I do to everything else, but no, there were no problems at all!!!

I will update this blog when I start getting stubbely again, to let you know how long it works for me!


Jake said...

I'm *so* glad you'll let us know when you are stubblely again!

Courtney said...

Well my legs are fuzzy now, but not too bad, that lasted a long time for me at least! Like a week!