Friday, May 18, 2007

Busy Week

Well, its been a busy week but nothing really that exciting has happened. But here's an update.

I started school again on Monday, I have 5 classes this semester I spent 250 on books alone... My Monday teacher had a "glitch" and didn't show up for class. Tuesday's teacher was a bit cookey, and Wednesday's teacher was out of town, luckily I knew that before class. The fifth class is online, and kind of nerve racking. Its math 1050, and I need to work hard, because I am not so good at math. I hope it works out alright.

We got a lot of stuff moved last weekend, well big furniture and some decoration totes that haven't been unpacked in a couple moves, we haven't gotten much else in that area done. I did get a few things over to Corrine's house for the yard sale this weekend, so hopefully I will have some pocket money by the end of the weekend.

Its packing night tonight, we need to get it done, with our busy schedules we need to do it all as soon as possible.

Last Sunday was our 3rd anniversary, can you believe it? Its great, we are doing well and making good decisions that will improve our future. We are planning on celebrating it next month some time, after the moving is all done. We were going to go to Denver in June with the Hicken's but that trip had to be cancelled to pay bills. So we don't know what we will do, maybe go camping or something, but we will celebrate later.

What else...

The only other thing that I know and am worried about is moving... Its pretty much always on my mind. If anyone has free time next Thursday we are looking for volunteers to help move the rest of our furniture and help with whatever boxes and stuff is left.

If you are interested let me know!

Thats really all for now though

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