Friday, August 10, 2007

Trends we love!!!

Yesterday Jake and I bought Guitar Hero 2 for the XBox 360, Brooke has it for her PlayStation, but is leaving for school soon so we got it for our system, its such a blast to play, I am not very good at it, but I still really enjoy it.

* a complaint though about the guitars, they are right handed, yeah I can flip it over and play lefty but the bar for the long notes is then above the stummer thing, which can be troublesome. Stupid right handed majority. *

Last night a couple guys from the Elders Quorum came to visit and meet us because we are new. And when I answered the door Jake was playing and one of the guys was like, is that guitar hero, and came in a played with us for a song, it was so funny. They talked about a football activity that is happening and then decided that getting all the guys with 360's to put together an XBox activity would probably be a bigger hit then the football, a little church Halo 2 party... It would be quite the success though, if they did do it.


Tyler said...

GH is only the funnest game ever. You need to get the 80s one too. It is fun. Mary is awesome at it.

Jake said...

They don't have the 80's one for the Xbox 360, but guitar hero 3 comes out for all systems in october... we'll get that one for sure.