Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thanks for the Help!

Well I cut it shoulder length, with some side bangs. Its not a great picture of the bangs, but its a cute picture. Here are hair styles I have had recently.
This is long, (from Mallory's Wedding)This is Shoulder Length (Christmas, 2006) Short, Brooke's High School Graduation
Short after cutting it off for Locks of Love
I need to do something to improve my hair, its grown out of its cut, what style do you think looks best? If you have other suggestions, please let me know!


The Johnson's said...

I dont like it short short, I would obviously say long because my hair is long, but I know you can grow your hair longer than me so I dont want you to. However you can if you want. I like your hair medium, along with evreyone else.

Hillary said...

My favorite is the one where you're holding up the socks, the second one down and then the long hair, then the graduation, and then the bottom one...does that help at all???

Unknown said...

I like the Christjmas picture style! Your hair always looks cute, though!