Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Walk Down Memory Lane

I've seen this around a bit, and I loved the idea so here goes.

Here are the instructions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. (It can be Me or Jake or both... Yeah I am dumb and didn't notice this sooner...) It doesn't matter if you knew me/us a little or a lot; anything you remember.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's fun to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


d.r. gib said...

I have tons of memories so it is hard to choose. I think it is funny that when we were younger you had your very LONG hair in a braid, I cut it to see what would happen. You told me to though, you were just as curious.

Hillary said...

One that I think of almost daily that wasn't exactly with eachother was when mom and dad were looking for you when you ddn't show up for work and your place was really messy and they thought you and Jake had been abducted...I laugh about that now, especially everday when I leave with our place trashed :)

Also all the fun stuff we did when you came out to visit me!

The Johnson's said...

I, like Kat can't pick just one.. Lets see though I'll think of a few or a lot!

Remember these..... St george trips...

1. We took the day trip to lake powell and got the jeep stuck in the sand. That guy was nice enough to pull us out.

2. We decided to take the long way home, which ended up taking us an extra 3 or so hours and you ran over the bunny... POP!

3. We went down to vegas, mid day, and it was so hot we stripped down but ended up being stuck to the plastic seats.

4. We decided to leave one night really late and it was cold, with no top on the jeep,we bundled up in hoodies and got out a comforter that I brought.

5. That same night driving down you took my CD out of the player and tried to hand it to me, the wind caught it and the CD went out the back.

Other memories...

1. I heard you swear for the first time on accident when you were trying to tell me about fud ruckers.

2. Cag of bandy and tintos winted?

3. Good old applebees, with jonny and his "I want a blonde too"....mmmmm oh and doug!

4. Jeeping down in manti in the mud, we went through that puddle a millions times and then drove down some wooded dirt road....

5. Gees your jeep brought us some good time... how about when your shocks were out and we went down gardmans pass and we thought it was funny so you went faster and I got thrown out of my seat and hit my head on the top of the jeep.

6. Everytime I got locked out of my house and had to sleep at yours. You were in st george once and your mom was kind enough to let me stay there anyway.

7. How about lake powell when we got so sun burned you could only see the whites of our eyes and our un-burned skin the the pictures, thank goodness you brought those wraps, we became muslims for the remainder of the trip.

8. I really like that you took care of me when I got my wisdom teeth out and you smashed the beans in my chili and woke me up to take my meds.

9. Diving board, diving board, meet me at midnight at the diving bored. Thats the night beth saw me naked.... I tell her not to look and what does she do?

Well they went from extremely funny, where i was laughing out loud and Nate is asking what so funny. .. to some interesting times...Any how those are some memories I just couldn't pass up posting on here. I need to write them all down, just to laugh at.

There ya have it..


Mary said...

I remember when we spent the day at Lagoon. That was fun! We ought to hang out again.