Thursday, November 1, 2007

Attempts at being Positive...

I am annoyed today but trying not to be.

Things I am so grateful for and am blessed with.

1. Jake: I love him, he loves me and we are so happy together.

2. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Its such a blessing in my life, especially to know of the plan of salvation and to know that this life even though it seems long now will be like a blink of an eye in the eternal perspective. And to be able to pray for help and know that I will receive it, not always in the way I would like, but always in the way I need.

3. Family: I don't think anyone has a more wonderful family, an amazing support system and full of love. Who could ask for more.

4. Modern Medicine: without the medicines we have now I would probably have died a long time ago. From Sudafed to Ibuprofen to Levoxyl I am very lucky to have the advantage of being treated during illnesses.

5. TiVo: How did we live without it?

6. Radio: If I didn't have access to the radio during work or travel I would probably yell a lot. Plus I would have been stuck on the freeway forever this morning.

7. Blogs: Entertainment, journaling, venting and even trying not to vent. Sometimes an email just doesn't cut it.

8. Living in Herriman: It's a whole other world away from the stresses, plus its with people I love in a comfortable and continuously improving environment, the basement is coming along nicely!

9. School: it will improve my life and knowledge, it also provides me with a sense of achievement and an exciting future.

10. Digital Cameras: Its so nice to be able to take a picture and see how it looks in case you need to take it again.

Well writing this and talking to Jake took the edge off the frustration! Apparently counting to ten to calm down can be more than just numbers.

1 comment:

Tyler said...

DVRs are the best thing every invented. Or the most annoying. There are some nights we can't watch live TV because the DVR is recording too many shows. I would go insane without it. Its good to stay positive so keep it up. We love you guys.