Thursday, October 25, 2007

I have been tagged!

I have been tagged by my sister, Hillary Arveseth.

Here are the rules: 1. Each person list 6 facts/habits about themselves. 2. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, and then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog for the rules.

1. I am somewhat OCD about weird things, I can't stand ticking clocks, when my staples isn't straight and lined up with the tape an phone on my desk (yeah I just fixed them). Those are only a few instances...

2. I love singing in a choir, but am petrified of singing alone - except in the car

3. I read, a lot. Once I start a novel or series I can't stop until I am finished, usually within a couple days, it takes over my life.

4. Thursday is my favorite day because my shows are on. Grey's Anatomy and the Office, and Ugly Betty

5. If I get the guts to go for the Pharmacy gusto I will have to become a Chemistry major, I haven't taken chemistry since 7th or 8th grade...

6. I have an ironic disease. Graves' Disease, its ironic because my name is Graves (if you didn't know...) My doctor thinks its so funny.

And now, I will tag... Jake, Mallory, Mary & Tyler (individually!), Brooke, Suzanne (you guys need to start blogs anyways...)

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