Friday, March 20, 2009


Well as most of you know Nathan and I are sick... It all started Wednesday of 2 weeks ago, Nate got a cough and really congested. So we set up the humidifier, tortured him by sucking out his nose and did all the things you can do for a sick little one. By the Wednesday after that he was worse and I thought, ok if this is a virus should be improving, but no he was getting worse.

So we went to the doctor. They did a bunch of things, checked his oxygen, his ears, his lungs, his nose and throat, they even did a chest X-ray to make sure he didn't have pneumonia. Then they said keep doing what you are doing, if by Friday he's not improved call/come in again and we will look at him... So Friday, no improvement. We call and wait for a return call, by the time they got back to me (because I called again) it was pretty close to their closing time and Jake couldn't make it in. So Monday rolls around and he is still miserable, not sleeping well, coughing lots and crying, which he doesn't do. Jake gets off work early so he can take him to the doctors, they say that they think he will just get better... He was still getting worse... So by Wednesday I was so exhausted and starting to feel ill myself, I took him back again. I would have demanded an antibiotic but tada he has an ear infection so I don't have to beg, they prescribe him one! Yeah!

Rewind one day, Tuesday, I left work early because I was feeling so crummy, Wednesday morning I get up I am hacking, have a terrible sore throat, and basically no voice. So I should have had the doctor check me out or give me an antibiotic too, but he said yeah you probably got the same virus, which to me ment wait 2 weeks and then come back if you aren't better. Which is fine, I get it too many antibiotic will make them less effective. No problem. Wednesday night I am getting worse and worse, so I do what I can and get my shift covered at work for Thursday because I knew I wouldn't make it. I thought ok rest all day and I will be better for Friday's work.

Boy was I wrong.

At about 9:00 Thursday night I started throwing up, I hadn't really eaten much all day, but it was still really bad. (Thank you Jake for helping me) So nobody got much sleep last night, and when I got up at about 5 to blow my nose I thought for sure my ear was going to explode. So I went out and laid on the couch on my other side and I could literally feel the fluid in my ear moving to the other side, it was so full that just sitting up made it drain so much I could feel it. I hoped it would get better, yeah not so much. At noon today I couldn't stand it any longer so Jake took me to the insta care in Riverton, and boy were they awesome! I got in fast, they looked in my ears, nose, throat, listened to my lungs and pushed on my face and asked some questions...

When she looked in my ear, she was like wow that is bad, are you allergic to any antibiotics? We are going to give you a shot to get you started immediately on antibiotics and then prescribed a really high dose of Amoxicillin and ear drops and a rinse to gargle for my throat. And a nose spray to clear out my sinuses.

So there is my long story of our being sick... Hopefully we are all on the mend now and we are keeping our fingers crossed that Jake doesn't get it too. Its miserable.

I must thank Jake for taking such good care of me and Nathan in our time of illness. I love you!

1 comment:

d.r. gib said...

That stinks! This virus that has been going around is so nasty. Good luck you guys.