Monday, March 23, 2009

5 Months

Well today my little baby turned 5 months old. I can't believe it, he is getting so grown up, and is so smart and funny! We are going to get some professional pictures done soon, but here are some snap shots and videos to show just how cute he is!!!

Here is Nate Rolling over, I had a hard time getting this on film because he kept rolling over before I could start filming...

This is Nate in the exersaucer, he loves it!
Pictures will follow in another post, I am tired.


d.r. gib said...

he is so cute! And I always loved those pj's.

Becky said...

How has life been treating you? I hope all has been going well! Let me know what you are up to! Check out our adoption blog at and tell your friends about it!

You have to put up some more pictures of your cutsie lil bebe. Have you returned to work yet?