Sunday, May 18, 2008


8 Things I’m Passionate About
1) Family
2) Church and the Gospel
3) Clean Dishes - I mean sanitary clean!
4) Being comfortable
5) Sleep
6) Blogging
7) Grey's Anatomy
8) Twilight, I don't know what to call the series, but the vampire books... they are awesome.

8 Songs I Can Listen to Over and Over Again and Never Get Sick of(I am bad a song titles and don't feel like looking them up... so whatever... Plus I get sick of songs but not albums so we'll see what goes on here.)
1) To Make you Feel my Love - Garth Brooks
2) Anything by Liszt or any classical really
3) Lullaby (Good Night my Angel) Billy Joel
4) I Swear - only when Jake sings it though.
5) Blackbird - Beatles
6) Fire and Rain - James Taylor (pretty much all James Taylor though)
7) Josh Groban.
8) Annie's Song - John Denver

The Past 8 Books I’ve Read
1) Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer
2) Twilight - Stephanie Meyer
3) New Moon - Stephanie Meyer
4) Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austin
5) Mansfield Park - Jane Austin
6) Persuasion - Jane Austin
7) Harry Potter (all of them) - J.K. Rowling
8) Work and the Glory Series - Gerald N. Lund

8 Things I Say Often
1) Smith's Pharmacy
2) I am hungry
3) Be right with you.
4) It's a Boy!!!
5) We'll probably name him Nathan
6) Sweetheart... could you...
7) 5 more minutes, please.
8) I don't know.

8 Things That Attract Me to a Friend
1) Kindness
2) Relaxing
3) funny
4) Same standards
5) On time... Punctuality is important.
6) Dependable
7) Happy
8) Accepts me for who I am

8 Random Things About Me
1) I am pregnant.
2) I love Diet Coke, and am having a diet coke baby...
3) I am scared of being a mom of a toddler (I am a nursery leader right now and don't really like it... then again there's like 12-14 kids...)
4) I have Graves' disease. The irony of the name makes everyone laugh.
5) I wish Jake would pick out all my clothes, he's better at it than me.
6) I love Mexican food... Oddly enough its one of the only things that doesn't give me heartburn
7) Changing from an insurance person to a pharmacy person was one of the best decisions ever.
8) I am a bit of a control freak

8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die
1) Keep a journal and scrapbooks for future posterity *blogging is how I do it now*
2) Tour Europe
3) Raise well behaved kids.
4) Graduate College.
5) Have grandkids
6) Own a house
7) Go to all the temples
8) Tour the USA

8 Things I’ve Learned This Past Year
1) Things happen for a reason, and you have to wait and see what the reason is.
2) Change is good, scary but good.
3) Jake is the best husband
4) I have been entirely too dependant on Ibuprofen.
5) Being pregnant most of the time is fine, almost great, but some times really sucks.
6) I am kind of a control freak (as mentioned previously)
7) Complaining about work only makes work harder.
8) Humility is hard and when you think your there you are not.

8 People I'm Tagging
1) Jake
2) Corrine
3) Hillary
4) Kat
5) Mallory
6) Jamie
7) Kristin
8) Mary

1 comment:

d.r. gib said...

That was fun! I am slow in reading this, so I will get to work on mine.