Thursday, March 20, 2008

Finished basement and More...

Well to all of those who are waiting for pictures of the basement, it is finished, but quite the disaster zone, we have stuff everywhere... Its such a mess.

I will get pictures up as soon as it is somewhat presentable. But for now, you will all have to wait!

In other news...

For those of you who don't always check Jake's Blog, you should. There is some very exciting family news on there. (Yep, that's right, we are pregnant!) We are very excited, I am a bit terrified of the whole having a baby thing, but I am sure when we get to that point, I will be ready for it... at least for it to be out... I haven't been really very morning sick, kind of an all around sick, but so far now throwing up or anything. My sense of smell is insane, its kind of annoying, except for the fact I can't do the dishes... That's nice, Jake is so sweet and he does them! Other than that my main thing is being tired and hungry too frequently... And pretty thirsty, for water of all things. My first appointment isn't until the 3rd of April which is getting closer but still seems too far away.

Anywho, I can't really think of anything else to say in this post... I will update soon!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Are you serious? I mean... ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?! That is AWESOME! I miss chatting with you so much! But the life of a pharm tech is so insanely busy at times... You know... You will be happy to know that I have slowed down my life a little bit and only have 1 job now! and am at part time with school! Anyway... I am so SUPA STOKED that you are going to have a precious baby! PLEASE AND SERIOUSLY - let us know if there is ANYTHING that we can do for you guys! How exciting! Let me in on news for the shower!
