Thursday, July 5, 2007

Time to Update...

Ok, so here we go...

Corrine did get to go out to see Hillary and help her recover after surgery. She was gone from the 25th and came back on July 1st at about 2 am. Hillary is doing much better now so it was good that Corrine could go out there, it would have been a really hard week for the Arveseth's because of Steve's test this week, for more info check out her blog...

So as you all know we moved into Jake's parents house at the beginning of July and they sold that house and we all moved into the new house last Friday & Saturday. It was an even longer and more difficult process then our first move of this time because of how much stuff they have. We'd been packing for a few days, our stuff was/is still mostly in storage, but anyways they hired movers for Friday, we got up and started getting things ready at 7:30 the mover's came at 9:15, they loaded and unloaded by 5:15, so 8 hours. Most of the boxes were unloaded into the garage to save time (they are expensive especially with over time) The mover's cost about $1600 for the 8 hours of work. Even with their whole moving truck packed full there was still a lot of stuff at the house, Jake and I worked to get things put away and in a way they could be used (we also waited for the Sears delivery people) but we worked at the new house until Midnight. Janet and Gerry did load after load in their cars until about 12:30. Then we got up at 7:30 Saturday and found that they had already been doing loads, so we got moving again and finished emptying and vacuuming the old house by about 12, the people who had bought the house had already brought a load of boxes over. We were supposed to be out of the house before they came, but whatever, we worked so hard.

The garage is still full and the rooms aren't all unpacked, but its coming along. Soon the basement will get started and then Jake and I will move all over again! But that move will be the last for a couple years at least. So it we are almost done.

Sunday was Makayla's blessing and Jenna's birthday. Both went very well. Jake and I were lucky we made it, our alarm didn't go off or at least didn't wake us up... Plus we had stayed up until about midnight Saturday bringing in boxes and putting stuff away (trying to find our church clothes was a challenge).

I can't believe Jenna is 5, she starts kindergarten in a couple months, its so crazy!

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