Saturday, February 20, 2010

way way overdue

It has been much too long since I have really updated here, I still won't have time today, but I am working on it! Things to note - Nate is almost 16 months now and is so much fun, he's brilliant and has figured out how to color and play the harmonica this last week or so - its super cute!

Other news, Brooke and Dave are expecting their first baby - a boy- in May. Corrine and Tim are cooking up their 4th due in August, and Kat and Darin are going to have a 3rd in September - also Mallory is having a little girl in a couple months! Lots of babies around. We are going to wait awhile before adding to our family.

Jake's job is going so wonderfully - he is the laptop support technician for Rowland Hall St. Mark's private school and will be getting Apple repair certified soon! I am still working at Smith's pharmacy and doing pretty well there, its a good job and allows me to be home most days, I work 3 days a week. My mom is so great and watches Nate on the overlap of when Jake and I are both at work. Jake is home Saturday's when I work all day and he and Nate get to spend the whole day together and also plays with Grandma and Grandpa Graves. Its so wonderful to have family around!

In other news I have a calling at church of Relief Society Activity committee member and am really enjoying it, I am getting to know the sisters in my ward and its nice to get to know my neighbors! Jake has a calling of Building Coordinator for our ward, so far he isn't really loving it because he doesn't have enough information to do his calling effectively but hopefully he will find out what he needs to so he can feel confident and informed about what he needs to be doing.

Well there is a jumble of info - hopefully I will get around to really updating with pictures and details, but until that happens just know that I am busy chasing my maniac Nate around and absolutely loving every minute of it! Even the early mornings and late nights!

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