Sunday, August 23, 2009

10 Months

Well today makes 10 months we have been blessed with Nate in our family! It has been an amazing 10 months, We have loved every minute of it. Nathan is such a blessing to me in my life, being a mother brings me more joy than I could have ever imagined. Everyday I look forward to spending time with my sweet boy, he might get up too early and have too much energy and chew all the books and papers to bits, but he is still the most amazing blessing in my life.

I am loving my new work schedule I get to be home with him 4 days a week and work only 3 days. Jake and I have worked out a way for us to be able to be home with him most days, we still rely on the of help from our wonderful families a couple times a week - and are so blessed to have them close to us. Thanks to everyone for being so supportive!

Living with Jake's parents has blessed us more than I can even explain - being here has saved us from some very hard times. I am so grateful to them for opening and finishing their home to us and for being here when we need them. I don't think we will ever be able to repay their generosity but I hope they know how much we love them and how much it all means to us.
Well as for Nathan he is growing up too fast, he is a crawling machine and is cruisin' around all the furniture, he pulls himself up on everything and lets go for a long time before sitting down or grabbing back on to whats around him. He is discovering new things every day - which keeps me on my toes - baby proofing is hard! His top two teeth have come in about 3 times now but seem to be unsure of where they want to be because they go back in. Its so sad because they hurt him and he gets so upset. Hopefully they will just come through and stay out - it would be much better for us all!

He is a great napper, he gets up at about 7am and then takes a nap at 9:30 for 2 hours and then is up until about 2:30 and then takes another 1-2 hour nap and then goes to bed at 8pm its great! (saying that will probably curse me with nights of no sleep and days full of napping which makes it impossible to accomplish anything... but whatever). I haven't weighed him yet but he feels about the same to me but seems to be getting taller, he's thinned out in his hips - its probably only obvious to me because of diaper changing. I will update this with some new stats tomorrow if I can get him to hold still long enough!

He is a jumping bean. Ask anybody - whenever someone holds him he just jumps and jumps and everyone asks if he is always like that and I say yeah, all day! His energy and excitement level is so great, what a bundle of fun!

I will add some pictures and a post about our fun trip to Vegas a couple weeks ago another time!

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