Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well things have been going so well and so easily that it was time for something to break...

We wouldn't have guessed that it would be Jake's foot.

Yeah so last Friday Jake's foot started to hurt and by Saturday night he could hardly walk, we took him to the insta care on Sunday morning - which was pointless - they didn't XRay it or anything, just prescribed an anti-inflammatory and a mild pain reliever and said to go to a podiatrist.

He did this morning to find out that he has a stress fracture in his foot and will be sporting a lovely boot for a whole month. He will then probably have to get some orthotics or special shoes to help his over-pronation which is what caused the fracture...

Its always an exciting adventure.


d.r. gib said...

I would demand a refund from the Instacare!! What a load of crap!! Sorry , this is a touchy subject for me. I hate when you go to the doctor and they assume they know what the problem is and spend 2 minutes with you and send you home. UGHHH. It is even more frustrating when it is a sick child. You end up taking them back 3 times before they say "oh, it looks like an ear infection" HELLO!!

Amanda said...

sorry to hear that! That is a bummer. My husband over pronates too. We found an awesome website with special shoes for cheap.
Let me know if you want the website. Tell Jake I said HI and good luck!

Liz said...

That is awful! I can sympathize with the boot thing especially in the winter! Hopefully the month will do it and the shoes will prevent! And your Nathan is getting so big! Can't believe it.


Rebecca said...

hey, at least that was all, I guess it could have been worse. Enjoy the boot while it lasts, the shoes will take time to get use to, too. Good luck!

Jme said...

Oh...sad! Sorry Jake.

Jme said...

Oh...sad! Sorry Jake.