Monday, December 8, 2008

Pictures from Thanksgiving

Jake's Dad took pictures of Nathan on Thanksgiving, here are a few of our favorites! He's 5 weeks old in these pictures.


The Johnson's said...

Did you know that we had them a month apart... to the date.. weird. Anyhow cute pictures. I can't believe he stayed curled up like that. Sage kept stretching out for his pictures. Silly boys.

K So I don't know how you are doing with the sleeping, but I am soooo tired!!! I sleep when he does but I can't stand waking up in the middle of the night. The first one is fine, it's the second one around 6 am that kills me. uuggg!

He's awake... time to go

d.r. gib said...

Oh, he is just so snuggly and cute.

The Johnson's said...

Does it surprise you how much he looks like Jake?