Friday, September 26, 2008

Doctor's Update

So today is week 36, everything is going very well! The doctor said that things are looking good and that if I were to go into labor today (not that I will anytime before my due date) that as of today he'd say the baby is about 6 lbs. Can you believe it? That is so crazy to me... I am kind of hoping he doesn't get too much bigger, I have to deliver him, ouch!

Tomorrow Jake and I are going to go to a birthing class. I am a bit nervous for it but hope that I will learn lots and come away less nervous than I go in. We will see.

I asked the doctor about my swelling and he said that I was just one of the unlucky ones who has that and to make it go away I will have to have a baby... I don't need to force myself to drink 3 liters of water, thank heaven's that was too much.

(I guess a little info about that would be good.)

So last Saturday I got really puffy my feet, legs up past my knees, my fingers, hands, wrists and arms. My face was getting puffy too. So usually that goes down by the morning. Sunday I woke up and it was still bad and my feet were hurting really bad like I couldn't even walk on them. I was having muscle cramps in my arms and legs and I felt all around crappy. So I called Corrine and she told me to call the dr. so I called the dr, well the Women's Center and asked them what to do. They said I should be drinking 3 liters of water a day, to put my feet up and relax, check my bp and if it was really high to go in to the hospital to be checked out. So I have been doing those things and have been pretty nervous about it. I think though that the machine at my work is just not very accurate because I checked it at work today and it was 138/83 and at the doctors it was 123/7? but it was normal, like really good normal. So he's not worried, so I am not worried. But the best news was that I don't have to drink that much water. I am going to keep drinking lots because it does help but not that much.


I asked if there was anything I could do for my back pain... He said that pretty much having the baby was all that would really help. I told him that the physical therapy didn't really make a difference and he said yeah that I probably have some disk problems and that nothing really will help. No drugs for the pregnant girl...

He thinks that we will go to the due date or at least pretty close. (Hopefully before Halloween) That is the goal.

So that is what's new. Oh and I had Jake take my picture tonight, after some unsuccessful shoe shopping. I look really thrilled... But I figure its a pretty accurate picture of how I feel most nights. So Here I am in all my pregnant glory at week 36, with only 28 days until D day! I feel huge today. Maybe I will get a better picture tomorrow and put that on here instead... But for now.


Liz said...

Sorry to say it love but you look cute! A pregnant lady who is sacrificing for her baby. That is truly beautiful. I am excited for you because you have come so far and the baby is doing well. Sad that you won't do much better till he is born and then you can be rid of this pain and swelling but you are an awesome mom already!


Becky said...

you look really really cute! I love your haircut too! I got the invite and can't wait to come and visit with you again! See you soon!


d.r. gib said...

The swelling is so hard, and it takes a few weeks after baby to go down too, but it is worth it. Hold, only a little bit longer!! Soon you will be able to just sit and hold little Nathan all you want.