Sunday, July 27, 2008

Its hard to plan the unplannable.

So you all know I am a planner, I like to make plans for everything, even to make plans... I am finding it very difficult to plan for after Nathan arrives though. Even for before he gets here really. Everyone asks what my plan is for after and when I will go back to work and how long I get off and yada yada.

My most frustrated and honest answer is that I have no clue... I know I have to go back to work, probably 6 weeks after he's born. Which is like the second week of December. I know I will have to work at least 26 hours a week for insurance, but more for some financial stability... I know that I don't want to. I am really trying to think of a way to cut back to about 30-36 hours a week, I want to be home with my baby to raise him and take care of him.

My work asked me the other day what my plan was and I told them about the plan Jake and I had discussed, for him to work 4-8 m-f + Saturday's and me to work 9-4 m-f and him to go to school after that at night. They aren't sure if that will work or not. I am not sure either. I can't decide if it would be better to be gone for a shorter amount of time everyday or work like 3 days a week for 12 hours a day. What do you think? And if I am to work the 3 12's how would that work in with Jake's schedule. I just don't know what to do.

It seems so impossible to plan because Jake will be between semester's when I go back, and won't be able to even register for school until like November or something. So I don't know what his school schedule will be. And if he were to find some amazing job that pays well and has insurance and could work easily with school that would be amazing. Its just so hard to figure out a plan when there are so many unknowns.

My only plan as of now is to try to stay healthy, keep my back in shape, and work as long as I can before the baby comes so that I don't loose out on any time after he's here.


Jme said...

Sorry Courtney....just remember it will all work out!

Hillary said...

It is so stressful to prepare for a baby, good luck with everything. I wish I was closer so that I could help out. Mom gave me some advice the other day that I thought was just perfect and I think it is perfect for your situation too: Make sure you are fulfilling your church callings to the best of your ability, make sure you are saying your prayers and doing as much as you can so that you can ask for help and guidance in making these decisions. When you are doing the best you can the Lord will fill in the blanks! Good luck!

d.r. gib said...


I know what you mean, until the baby is here you really don't know, and sometimes after that. Do just what you said, and pray always. Make a plan that you think will work, then see what happens when he is here. You will most likely be tired, so working more days might be better. That way you don't feel like you just come home and go to bed. Just my thoughts.