Monday, August 27, 2007

Splash Park

Today Corrine, Jenna, Aubrey, Lydia and Hillary and Abi came out to Herriman to play in the fun splash pad park. The girls were so cute!!! They played in the water and on the playground. Its a really fun place with fountains and showers and a jungle gym type play ground. I got a couple cute pictures to share!

It was impossible to get them to all stop and smile because of all the fun things to do.

One of the funnest things was to push the button to activate the water Lydia even got to come and play, well lay in her stroller but she had lots of smiles for us!

Here is Aubrey on the uneven bridge, she was so proud of herself that she figured out how to cross it all by herself.It is so fun to see them all playing together and having such a great time, I wish that the Arveseth's didn't live so far away.Jenna always is good for a cheesy smileAubrey did a little pole dancing on the rainbow

Jenna liked to lay in the puddles and to lay on the fountains when they were spraying
After playing for a long time we picked up Jake and met Tim at the I-Hop for some dinner. Yeah for his 2 for 1 coupon, dinner was cheap! Thanks Tim!!!


Hillary said...

Cute pics, you're a good photographer. Thanks for the invite yesterday!

The Johnson's said...

What camera are you using. And why the freak it is that every time I take a picture when someone is moving its blury? What gives?